First Communion Gift


Registered User
Any ideas out there on suitable First Communion Gift for God-daughter???
Newbridge silverware do very nice communion & confirmation medals and are very reasonable.
A nice set of rosary beads. A scapular. A relic of your/their favourite saint. A few masses for extra indulgences.
MONEY! Religion aside, it's the main pressie you want to get on your big day! Ask any child.
A tree. It will grow with her and we can never have too many of them. Might be a little tricky to wrap though.
ClubMan, you really should think more about what the child might like rather than what you would want yourself!!
Did anyone hear Ray Darcy and crew during the week,Topic was First Communion and all were discussing the Dress and how much they got, You may be a bit late with cross etc as they have to have thies for communion.
I was horrified a few years back when my daughter was wandering around flashing the big wad she had accumulated during the day...the only presents she remembers today are those which have no association with money. If you wish the child to remember and associate a gift with you do not give money! I can remember each gift I received 30 years ago..none of it cash!
Agree that it is nice to have something that lasts, particularly from a godparent. Jewelry seems like a good bet- check with the parents if she would like a cross and chain- otherwise maybe something like a little silver bracelet with the date engraved on it?
I was talking to a work collegue today who told me his daughter had recieved...... wait for it! 1200 EURO in cash gifts for her communion. My jaw nearly hit the ground. Crazy money for a 6 year old. Hopefully they will invest it smartly for the child!!
How about book voucher - I am thinking of doing a bit of a combo of cash + book voucher for god daughter. She will get lots of pressies from people & there are only so many chains with crosses etc that a child will wear.
I think kids like money & as long as they buy something useful with it I don't have a problem with it.
I've recently heard of a kid getting a mobile phone from her god-mother at the request of the parents.

Total stupidity