First Car Buy - Help Please!


Registered User
Hi all,

I am taking driving lessons and will need to buy a car next month.

I know nothing about cars and I am actually a bit apprehensive about driving a car...

Anyway, firstly a brand new car or second hand? and which model?

I am in a hurry of being a good driver because of my husband's sudden illness..At the moment we're relying on taxi service and his father but obviously we can't do that for a long time..He still has a problem with walking/balance and is quite tall (6"3 / 92kg). I guess I should avoid too a small car not to compromise his comfort.

Therefore, I want a small car but not too small. I need a reliable and good-looking car. I am on the look out myself (I liked the look of Peugeot 207, Clio, Suzuki Swift, PT Cruiser, etc etc) but I really don't know which car I should go for...(Budget is not really a problem since I've been saving up for a car for a few years..)

Any advice will be immensely appreciated!
A secondhand ford focus hatchback 1.4L , good first car . Economical and easy and cheap to repair if needs be. Timing belt change anytime between 80 to 100K.
Hi Puretone,
Definitely a second hand car (because of high depreciation initially)
This website has lots of useful information : you can do a search based on what size/type of car you're looking for.
Here's the info on a ford focus, which might well suit your needs, as suggested by Digger.

I would say second hand at least until you get the hang of driving.

Cars are a black hole for money, depreciation on any new car will be a major chunk of that.

Something like a corolla maybe.

Don't be afraid to go for a bigger car, there is very little difference in driving once you get usd to it.