First BT goes down, now it's my email - help!



Getting a bit tired of these BT broadband outages, another one last night.

Any way, it's back, but now my email's out of action!

Can any techy type out there make sense of this:

The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

I just tried
telnet 110
and both elicited responses so the server and the POP3 email listener is up and running.

Has something changed locally to your machine that might be blocking access to email?
Hi Bushfire,

Most likely this means one of the following things:

1. The mail server ( is down
2. The internet connection from BT is not working
3. Your firewall (if any) is blocking the connection.

The Socket error means that email software could not establish a link / connection with the email server. The 3 suggestions above are the most likely reasons I can think of, unless your settings have been changed recently. Have any of your emails settings been changed?

Looks like a possible firewall conflict (or AV E-mail protection) as suggested above and in the link below.

.... [broken link removed]
Thanks everyone, seems to have been a firewall problem alright. When I started up earlier today there was a problem with Norton Internet Security, it was asking me to activate the programme again (which I did when I bought it a few weeks ago) and then said my subscription was expired....when there's 11 months left on it. And then it was telling me the firewall wasn't working, and other stuff I couldn't understand My email was working at that stage, but didn't after a while.

I finally used my technical expertise: I restarted my computer. My email's working again.

Are all these malfunctions normal or is my machine about to blow up? (Norton is okay again).
Your broadband connection going down is nothing to do with your PC. The other glitches are not a sign of anything obviously untoward going on as far as I can judge at a distance and in the precence of incomplete info.
As with above, can't be sure given the limited data, but it just seems like some of the settings aren't quite right.

They could all be non connected errors/problems, or it could be one piece of software leading to them.

There are lots of ways to solve the firewall problem (if that is what was causing the issue with your mail). You can google it (or use the work around mentioned in my link above), or possibly just add "Outlook (Express)" to the trusted/allowed list in your firewall (depends on the firewall your running how you do this).

Given that you've got issues with Norton since then, could be a problem with the AV mail scanning (as mentioned in the post I linked above).

Have you registered your Norton AV correctly?
When you pay for the licence (buy a legal copy) it usually comes with a little sticker on the cover to give you the licence key. You then have to install the software and input the key when prompted to register. It sounds like your software isn't registered [given the "subscription expired" message] (possibly never was and was running as a trial for a short while, possibly the file which contains the registration information has been deleated/corrupted).

If you have someone techy who could run through the different software settings they should be able to sort it out for you. It doesn't seem like any one big problem, just a few small ones all coming togther.
Thanks for that Satanta, I often have this trouble with my email so I'll go through your tips and links and see if I can solve it for once and for all. Definitely seems like it's a firewall issue, will check it out.

Have you registered your Norton AV correctly?

I bought it as a download from the Norton site and the registration of it seemed to go through fine, ie the licence key I was given was accepted, it activated fine, etc. It's back working fine again and the subscription info is accurate, really don't know why it suddenly starting acting up.

Strangly, I had exactly the same problems as you.... BT Broadband down last night, then when I connected tonight had to re-activate my Norton. ??


Strangly, I had exactly the same problems as you.... BT Broadband down last night, then when I connected tonight had to re-activate my Norton. ??


Spooky . So any time we lose our connection, like last night, we have to activate all over again?