First Baby




Our first Baby is due very soon and i think we have all ready. nursery done, clothes got, nappies upon nappies bought. As this is my first time going to be a Dad, i'm naturally a bit scared about providing and doing whats right for my family. One thing i know for certain is that we won't be stuck for babysitters.:). I'd like to buy my wife something nice for when it's all over for her, 9 months and a big finish can be hard on a body, i'v treated her to a mother to be pampering package already, would something along those same lines be nice again. She loves that stuff.Can someone who has gone before me and had my worries let me know how things were for them.

Yeah, i thought of that one, only tricky thing about that is, she has a marque cut diamond for her wedding ring so i'd have to take the ring from her somehow to get the jeweller to get an exact fit.Pretty hard to have a surprise for her then,:)
Yeah, i thought of that one, only tricky thing about that is, she has a marque cut diamond for her wedding ring so i'd have to take the ring from her somehow to get the jeweller to get an exact fit.Pretty hard to have a surprise for her then,:)

Convince her that pregnancy has made her fingers swell, she'll take the ring off and away you go! :D

Mind you making your pregnant wife feel even fatter might not be the way to go! :eek:

Ah well as some bright spark here once said "sure isn't the baby enough for her"
While the ring is a lovely idea I think what would be even more nice is that if you treated you wife (and a friend / sister etc) to a wkend away to a spa /hotel about 3-6 months after she has your little one or just before returning to work (if she is).
I personally would love this as you spend so much time looking after the little one and do need a break.
It gives her a break from everything, and helps to recharge the batteries.
Best of luck with the LO.. Mine is just over 1 and is great.

PS re the ring thing.. In some cases the eternity ring is worn on the right hand if it would detract from the engagement / wedding ring so you could try that.
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Thanks polo1, i was thinking of that route alright. Might just do that