First 100 days

None of these have been brought in by this Government. Any chance of sticking to facts?
What training centres have been mothballed?

The ITs have gone academic - so there is a lack of practical type courses.

Commumity Colleges seem to offer many leisure type courses.

There seems to be fewer colleges offering PLCs.

All 4 Failte Ireland Centres no longer provide courses for the unemployed.

The Jobs budget was a cheap confidence trick in my openion.

Raiding Private Pensions for minor vat reductions that may or may not be passed on.
So no training centres have been mothballed then - right?

Are you sure about Failte Ireland? Is that they they are just flooded with demand for courses, see [broken link removed]
Can't understnd why courses for the unemployed have stopped at these training centres.

These courses ran since the 1980s.
Are you absolutely certain that they have stopped courses for unemployed people? The link notes that they have stopped doing interviews because they are flooded with demand and have long waiting lists. It doesn't say that they have stopped. Do you have any source for your claim?
Can't understnd why courses for the unemployed have stopped at these training centres.

These courses ran since the 1980s.

As Complainer said, they haven't stopped. They have stopped taking applicants because the waiting list is too long. You can't blame FG and Labour for that. They were cut under FF as well.

Failte Ireland has no remit to train the unemployed. Their courses were never explicitly for the unemployed. As far as I know, they moved the emphasis onto upskilling within the industry itself to retain jobs rather than training new people to enter the industry. Fair enough to me. It is up to FAS to help the unemployed.
Did ye seriously believe that anything would be different ?
In the absence of firing squads operating on a freelance basis against politicians, media and bankers nothing will change
[broken link removed]

The skills shortage looks set to worsen, following the closure last month of the Fáilte Ireland training centre on Amiens St in Dublin. A spokeswoman says 250 people were trained last year in bar, restaurant and culinary skills. But budget cuts mean Fáilte Ireland is moving away from offering training courses.

Yet this government put 0.06% levy on private pensions - while cutting training places in an area that their own programme for government sees the potential for jobs.
Maybe FAS could do what they are supposed to do and fill the gap if there is that much of a problem. Failte Ireland does not have a mandate to help the unemployed. Still not sure why you are blaming FG and labour for this unless you are claiming they told Failte Ireland to close this centre and cut their budget in the last 100 days.
So one of the four training centres has closed - right?
So one of the four training centres has closed - right?

and I'm sure there's a huge shortage of qualified bar staff out there

I see this as a good thing (as long as the staff who provided the courses are made redundant).
and I'm sure there's a huge shortage of qualified bar staff out there

I see this as a good thing (as long as the staff who provided the courses are made redundant).

There is a shortage of chefs though. Why were Failte Ireland ever involved in these courses. What was the €1 billion budget for FAS our so called training agency spent on? Actually don't answer that!
There is a shortage of chefs though. Why were Failte Ireland ever involved in these courses. What was the €1 billion budget for FAS our so called training agency spent on? Actually don't answer that!

Interestingly in the last week I have had 2 letters from Fas. One asking if I was still interested in a course I enquired about last year, starting September (subject to sufficient interest). The other one was telling me I had to attend an interview in a few weeks to discuss my options (?) I have no problem with attending the interview, I am glad they seem at least to be doing something. Except the last interview I went to at Fas ( at my request) the woman I saw was beyond useless. First telling me a course I wanted to attend didn't exist, even though it was in their brochure at the office and the only help she offered was I should browse the vacancies and send out my CV. duuuuh!

I’m sure she got a bad assessment, only just scraped through to get her increment, received some training and is a top notch employee now Lol

The FAS website isn't bad for hiring unskilled labour but skilled staff are still a rare thing. We have to go to the UK or Eastern Europe to find them. FAS don't run courses for what we need. When we need training we end up hiring people from institutes of technology on an individual basis (and yes, we insist that they give us an invoice and we never pay cash).

To be fair and for balance, my Fas Supervisor when I was on a CE scheme was superb, visited us each week to see if everything was ok, got us on numerous short courses.

I agree about the Fas website, I look at it everyday and have only seen 1 job in my field and that was gone the same day I applied to them.

The course I am looking to do is something I already have plenty of experience in but it seems that some employers are now only focusing on actual qualifications/completed courses than the 20+ years work experience I have under my belt!
it seems that some employers are now only focusing on actual qualifications/completed courses than the 20+ years work experience I have under my belt!

Strange, I'm far more interested in experience. I don't really care what qualifications people have.

Mods, can we split this into a different thread?
So one of the four training centres has closed - right?

I think the 4 are not running skills courses at the moment.

They don't seem even to be running part-time courses.

Where we have 440k+ people out of work - this is shameless.

The government raided private pension funds to fund training - yet it is not utilising training facilities.
I totally agree with what is said here previously.

FAS is suitable for persons with either no skills and require upskilling.

I have to ask why are there not courses for Irish persons to learn different languages.

Also there is a shortage of software and bio Engineers, why has this gap not been filled