First 100 days


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The coalition is in power 100 days. How have they done?

They have reneged on their promise not to increase income taxes.
They have utterly failed to renegotiate the EU/IMF bail-out deal.
They have reneged on their promise to create 100’000 jobs.
They have failed to take on any of the vested interest groups.

In short it’s the same policies as the last government but with less savvy, more loose cannons and fewer hard decisions.
They have the biggest Dail majority in history but they are acting like a minority government.

So far I’m not impressed but I’m increasingly depressed.
In fairness, give them a chance.
Yes, the government must have a decent chance. Three months is not an overwhelming length of time for a new government. Bear in mind the lies and corruption we all had to put up with before the last government called a way overdue general election.
I think making allowances for the current govt is the wrong way to go. They are well able to use the 'what a fine mess we've been left with' line themselves without it been offered forward as a defence on their behalf.
I presume they had some sort of handle on what was waiting for them given the dog in the street knew that FF were on the way out.
They need to be watched and questioned all the way so as to show that we have learned from our mistakes and to encourage our leaders to lead.
So far I’m not impressed but I’m increasingly depressed.
I'm prepared to give them more time. I'm optimistic, however my optimism is baseless. There probably isn't much they can do as the IMF & EU are running the country. They need to credibly threaten doing serious damage to the euro & the EU project unless Germany and France agree to better terms on the bailout and the ECB agree to debt right-off. Sadly, I suspect that they will remain 'good Europeans' to the bitter end (don't forget that they conspired with the EU and the previous government to overturn the Lisbon result).
What income taxes have they increased?

Noonan said that income tax increases were on the cards. Since I posted Enda said they are off the cards.
Enda said that there would be no increase in income tax and no cuts in welfare. That's really depressing as we need both.
Noonan said that income tax increases were on the cards. Since I posted Enda said they are off the cards.
Enda said that there would be no increase in income tax and no cuts in welfare. That's really depressing as we need both.

God, they can't win with you.
I think it just proves that you can't believe anything they say.

There seens to be two versions of every policy they have.

Maybe they should say nothing and just get on with it.

I agree that we need tax increases and social welfare cuts, along with a whole lot else.
I think that they are a major disappointment. The Jobs Budget was a let down. They are very few courses for re-training or up-skilling. Training Centres are mot-balled while this government back track on promises.

Emphy Promies at a time when the are 440 without work was shameless.
Saying there will be no tax increases or social welfare cuts in the budget is very short sighted. Nothing should be ruled out. Even so, i expect events to overtake all their promises.
Saying there will be no tax increases or social welfare cuts in the budget is very short sighted. Nothing should be ruled out. Even so, i expect events to overtake all their promises.

How about the huge increase in stealth taxes!

Water charges
Property Tax
USC tax
Increase of the college registration fee by 500 (another broken promise or lie depending on your viewpoint)
Pension tax (so called "levy")

The welfare cuts ? There are numerous decreased services, it amounts to the same thing

New government same old lies!