Fireplace for gas fire only, does anyone know why?


Registered User
When we got our fireplace originally, we were asked if we wanted it to be for a gas fire or a real fire, we said gas at the time. However, we never got around to getting the gas fire installed. Would it be possible to have a real fire in this fireplace, or would we have to get the whole thing replaced. If anyone knows why we couldn't do this, I'd be much obliged.
My first venture into looking at fireplaces was the weekend so take this advice with a pinch of salt.

You may have a ceramic fireback which I believe would need to replaced.
For gas fires I believe the flue plate is locked open.
The hearth may need to have joins in it to stop it cracking and also for new fires the hearth needs to be a certain width to. That's to stop coal falling out.

Easiest thing to do would be to talk to who you bought it from or if not possible maybe talk to some folks in the business. I went to 6 places on Saturday in Dublin and found that were very professional, helpful and had a sale. Also, in Ballymount Fireplaces we spoke to Sally who was excellent - this one is in the Golden Pages and is on the Ballymount Rd - I didn't know then but the Ballymount Rd is split my the M50 this place road is on the Naas Rd side.
