Firefox Extensions - What do you have?



In light of the many recent, (and not so recent), conversions to Firefox listed on this thread, I'm interested to know how people have extended their browsers features with the use of extensions. I'll get the ball rolling. Click Here to see what I've added.

I generally use at least the following:

  • SessionSaver
  • Tabbrowser Preferences
  • DictionarySearch
  • Download Statusbar (and I disable the built-in download dialog)
  • ImageZoom
  • User Agent Switcher
I use:

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See or else make sure that you are using the WYSIWYG editor (Go Advanced when replying), select the text for your link and then click on the Insert Link editor toolbar button () and then enter (or paste) the URL. Does that make sense?
Flashblock. Very effective flash blocker that will allow you to play the flash stuff if you choose to.

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Adblock : Allows you to block banner adds and other ads on a page. Quite handy.

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I am addicted to using ad blocker.............

I get great pleasure seeing an advert on a page I use and then sending the ad and its type into a black hole!
wowser said:
Mouse Gestures are pretty handy once you get the hang of them...

...Particularly when doing 130kph on the M50 and someone pulls out in front of you doing 100!