FireFox, eBay, Javascript & 100% CPU usage


Registered User
I've searched for information on this but can't find anything authoritative. I just noticed that when, in FireFox v2.0 (although I suspect that it was the same with previous versions of FireFox) I view the eBay home page things are fine but as soon as I do a search and the results page is displayed the CPU usage for FireFox shoots up to about 80-100% (the reason I notice this is that the laptop fan also kicks in!). However if I go back to the home page and disable Javascript and then do a search again this (high CPU usage) does not happen. Has anybody noticed anything similar and can anybody suggest a fix other than disabling Javascript which isn't really a practical option these days...
Use IE, or Opera

Can you link to the exact page with this problem?
Doesn't happen me on Firefox 1.5. I've heard of other issues with 2.0 BTW.
Go to eBay and things should be fine. Do a search for some items for sale and the search results page causes CPU usage to shoot up. Go back to the home page, disable Javascript and do the search again and this time the CPU usage remains low and stable.
Yes, I tried that. Which ebay entry page? Do you have to login first? Which search page? A link to the problem search page would help make sure I'm looking at the same thing. - no login, just type the search criteria into the search form on the main page. [broken link removed] definitely causes the high CPU usage for me unless Javascript is disabled.