Finnstown Hall, Lucan



First of all just like to say I have searched the "Lucan" threads and have found them very helpful, excellent site, no doubt i will be using it regularly in the future.

I am a FTB, looking at a 2 bed apt in Lucan.

Info I would like to obtain includes...

- Finnstown Hall, any experience e.g. Parking, mgt fee, neighbours etc

- Surrounding area (seems pretty good to me but someone may tell me different)

- Asking price of 310k for 2 bed, ground floor, ~800 sq ft. Reasonable?

- Million Dollar Q ... Is the market changing? Should I offer well below asking?

All Advice/Opinions welcome!
I think these are the apartments on the edge of the Finnstown Estate. I would not think that there are many owner occupiers in this complex, but it always seems very quiet.
yes offer below the asking price, the market has changed for the moment and there are a lot of properties in lucan/west dublin not being sold currently.
I would agree with capricorn.. offer below the asking price...I live in Lucan and have friends who are selling in Lucan at the mo..their EA tells them that the market in Lucan has flatlined...IMHO it will continue to do so until after the budget ..ppl are wary of poss stamp duty changes and when that uncertainty is over they will reenter the market and push prices up. Accordingly there may be a window of opportunity to snap up a relative bargain before prices rise next year..
In response to howstrange....I posted that comment as it was based on two things (i) an interview on the Last Word with an economist from DNG who, when asked, were ppl holding off buying because of uncertainty over stamp duty agreeed that it was having an effect and ppl were awaiting the budget, he predicted that they would reenter the market once the budget was over causing extra demand and prices to rise, (ii) EA to my friends (currently selling in Lucan) has also confirmed that certain nervousness due to stamp duty but that it might also be time for "canny buyer" his words not mine, to purchase..xzanti if you need any further help pm me.,..

So you your basing your analysis on 2 things: 1) a comment from an EA who is trying to use the stamp duty issue as the reason for the property market slowdown and 2) same as 1.

I dont want to go off the Location, Location aspect but if you did a bit more analysis you might realise that the property market was wobbling before any mention of stamp duty! This is being used as a smokescreen by the vested interests eg EA's!! I dont think xzanti should rush into buying cos he thinks prices will go up when all the evidence is to the contrary! If he/she does then best of luck with it! BTW def bid well below the asking price!
I am well aware that prices were falling in Lucan prior to the debate about stamp duty and my previous posts on this issue reflect that..see thread below;

Given that xzanti had informed in his/her original post that he had read these threads, I felt there was no need to repeat the information contained in them. All I was simply doing was passing on recent specific information which I felt might be useful in that poster making his/her decision. In a later post I gave a justification for that particular comment and naturally, people are free to disagree if they so wish..

I am not getting into a debate on this thread on this issue and is my last comment on it.
Accordingly there may be a window of opportunity to snap up a relative bargain before prices rise next year..

I strongly disagree with this. Some people said the same thing when the market started to weaken during the summer, that prices would rise again in September. Prices didn't pick up in September. If you had listened to the "window of opportunity" comments during the summer you would have bought as prices fell. The market is weakening because interest rates are rising and according to recent reports, they're going to keep rising into next year, pushing property prices lower.

I would offer below asking in the knowledge that the vendor is probably keen to secure a sale before Christmas. They may be aware that there's likely to be another glut of property hitting the market in January just as it did in September.
From my point of view, I delayed purchasing my first home for the past two years. Even went as far as to place a deposit on a new apartment on cork st but then got cold feet.

I now feel I am mature enough and believe it is the right time for me to purchase. I am concerned about the market but I suppose the main reason I want to push ahead now is:

- Get in before interest rates rise. Everyone is expecting this to happen in the new year. I figured if I purchased now (and at three years fixed), I will avoid the inevitable higher interest rate in the new year
- If interest rates rise and I have to reapply for a mortgage, I am afraid that I will no longer qualify (I am on the limit at the moment)
- Because of the interest rate fear, over supply in lucan, I was thinking I have a lot of bargaining power at the minute.

Now I am not so sure!