Finlite Blocks - Any Recommendations?


Registered User
I'm looking at improving thermal performance for a new build and came across the Finlite Block -

It's main benefit over standard blocks is it's thermal conductivity of 0.318W/m. Does anyone know how this compares to a standard concrete block?

Just want to know if anyone has used these and any comments. I've no connection to them by the way, just potential customer.

The manufacturer is Finlay Concrete who seem to have been bought/merged with Acheson & Glover. They've offices throughout Ireland.
I'd look at Quinnlites instead as they have IAB certification and are effectively the same thing.
I've checked both and here's the technical spec:

Finlite Block 0.39 W/m² °C (no special fixings required)
Quinlite B3 Block 0.12W/mK
Quinlite B5 Block 0.17W/mK
Quinlite B7 Block 0.19 W/mK

I'm not sure here is the "W/m² °C" and "W/mK" measurements mean the same thing? Does above mean the Quinlite B3 Block is the best insulator?
Another option is the Ytong blocks, which I believe are .09 W/mK. You can check them out at [broken link removed]
Btw, is anybody out there using them? and would you recommend them.
i spoke to a rep from aeroboard at a show once and he informed me the difference between finlite and quinnlite is day and night,the quinnlite has much much better insulation properties.i read in another forum that the finlite has about the same insulation of half inch aerobord (probably white polysterene stuff)i think the price is very different also,ask your plasterer about either of them they dont tend to like plastering them due to the way they absorb water,some dry line over them then skim.other forum said they're good for rising walls to help reduce cold bridge