Fingal want large contribution, FOR SHED.



Hi all,
I was just granted permission to construct a shed in my back garden. It has taken nearly a year to get permission and i couldnt believe how hard it was for something so simple. I have a 1950 semi det cottage in rural north co dublin with a long narrow back garden, my hobby is classic cars and want to build a shed to store them as I am currently renting one. The shed is 135 sq meters and will be situated at the end of my garden which is 63 meters from the back of my house. Because of the size I need planing permission . The plans clearly show that there will be no connection to the sewerage or water mains and there will be a suitable soakaway to take the surface water. My budget for the whole job doing most of the work myself is 12000 euros . I was delighted to finally get permission last week but when I read through the conditions I was shocked to see that fingal co council want me to pay 13500 euros development contribution before I start building. I didn't even know this charge existed until then and can't afford to pay it. I can't understand how they can charge me seeing as I will not be conecting to services and will not be putting any more pressure on local infrastructure.
Can anybody suggest what I can do to avoid this charge ?, sorry about the long winded post, im new to this stuff thanks.
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I am totally with you on this, it is a farce. But trying to get around it is next to impossible.

I had to pay 5750 in donegal to build my house and that hurt like hell. 13,500 is utter madness when you are building a shed (or even a house for that matter).

Its a legacy of the mad boom years where money was flowing like a river and the councils wanted a part of it. Now when things have gone wrong there not for turning.

What can you do... highlighting it is important, more people should be shouting loudly about this sort of nonsense.

If they must have there contributions then a percentage of the bulid cost or value of the structure would be fairer.
HI changes, Thanks for your support. I just worked out that they're charging me as if the shed was a residential unit. Fingal charge 143 euros per sq meter , my shed is 135, the first 40 is exempt so that leaves 95. Muliiply that by 143 and you get 13585, thats what they're asking me for. They obviously have no flexibility in the system or are chancing their arm, they need to rethink this scheme to suit the times and encourage development.