Fingal CoCo problems with off street parking and people parking right outside my door


Registered User
Hi Guys,

Does anybody know if it is possible to get a copy of the house deeds/estate deeds with regards parking from fingal county council.

Am living in Swords and am having problems with off street parking and people parking right outside my front door yet it is marked as being the spot belonging to my house..

Am getting well ...... off with this now !

Re: Fingal County Council

i'd say best thing is to ring Council offices in swords and they can direct you to the right person
Re: Fingal County Council

it would be included in your land registry details, i doubt if the council will have any evidence of legal land ownership... either request the details from your solicitor (did you use one buying your property?) or land registry offices in waterford....
you say it is marked as belonging to your house??? marked on what??
Re: Fingal County Council

My house number is painted on the ground on that particular car spot.
If you have a management company you should probably try take it up with them. They usually look after this sort of stuff.
Is this a council house or something? Or a private house? In a privately managed area?
Tiz a private house in a housing estate.

No management company involved !
Tiz a private house in a housing estate.

No management company involved !

It the place where cars are parked public/council property or is it yours? If its the former who painted your house number on the spot? If its the latter why not challenge those who park there or put down a few cones...
Yeah - just wondering if what is assumed to be an allocated/private space is actually a public road/street in which case you have no specific rights to it?
the only way for knowing for sure exactly what you own is to check your land registry map.
I had similar problems a while ago, Long story short; I removed the line marking myself and got letter from developer letting me know that Line would be reinstated and if removed again I would face legal action, I have been told that parking is provided on a first come first served basis, I have also been told by some councillors in Fingal that you do not have a right to park outside your own front door. However once Fingal Co Co take possession of your estate they will expect residents to maintain grass verge areas which are outside your house...Double standards or what !
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Re: Fingal CoCo problems with off street parking and people parking right outside my

However once Fingal Co Co take possession of your estate they will expect residents to maintain grass verge areas which are outside your house...Double standards or what !
I don't see that this is necessarily so. The grass verge has nothing to do with street parking. And would you not want to keep your home and environs tidy anyway?
In addition to previous posting, if this is a new property have you checked planning application ?, As when I checked my planning application no line markings existed for parking spaces. Check Fingal website as you can find your planning application online
I have also been told by some councillors in Fingal that you do not have a right to park outside your own front door.

Why would you unless you have off-street parking?
Re: Fingal CoCo problems with off street parking and people parking right outside my

I don't see that this is necessarily so. The grass verge has nothing to do with street parking. And would you not want to keep your home and environs tidy anyway?

Excuse Me; You dont see what is necessarily so ? Do you have any idea of what we are talking about ? Many of said areas in front of peoples houses are either roads or grass verges in some cases a mix of both..I know what I'm talking about.
Re: Fingal CoCo problems with off street parking and people parking right outside my

I don't see that what you mentioned necessarily constitutes double standards. Grass verges are not parking spaces so the different treatments of both are arguably unrelated. I know full well what we are talking about here (read my earlier posts) and I never said or implied that you didn't know what your were talking about so no need to get your knickers in a twist...
Re: Fingal CoCo problems with off street parking and people parking right outside my

Excuse Me; You dont see what is necessarily so ? Do you have any idea of what we are talking about ? Many of said areas in front of peoples houses are either roads or grass verges in some cases a mix of both..I know what I'm talking about.

But the road is a public road so anyone can park there?
The grass verges etc are irrelevant when it comes to parking (as you shouldn't park on them anyway)
This is getting kind of off topic....

personally, i think if the house number is painted on the parking spot then a logical assumption is that it is set aside for that dwelling....

but again i stress, the only way of knowing for sure what land you legally own is to check the land registry map that come swith your property...

I have had much experience marking up land registry maps for apartment blocks and the car parking space that comes with the apartment is ALWAYS included in the land registry details....

If the land registry map does not show the parking space as belonging to the dwelling then end of storey....
However if it does and the problems still exists i do not see any issue with installing some kind of security device there.....

I assume this is a proprietary off street parking space, and not actually on the 6 m wide estate road....
It seems really strange that there is no management company if Fingal havent adopted the internal roads - not normal practice. Only if this was a private estate could spaces on-street be allocated.

No one has a right to park outside their home on a public road.
Re: Fingal CoCo problems with off street parking and people parking right outside my

... if Fingal havent adopted the internal roads ...
Do we know that this actually the case in this situation? I can't see any comment from the original poster that establishes this as fact.