fine/summons person not at my address


Registered User
Last year a speeding fine then subsequently a summons came to my address for a male unknown to me.
I returned both correspondences to fines/summons offices in D7.
The person must have lived at this address at some stage as I have seen other post arrive in his name (even though I purchased this property in 2003 and not from him)

8am this morning a guard called to the door looking for this person!!

Just curious as to how someone can get away with this....

Can the guards not trace him through the address the vehicle was registered?
Just curious as to how someone can get away with this....

Can the guards not trace him through the address the vehicle was registered?
Presumably he never updated his address with the relevant authorities?
one scam that I came across was the sale of old bangers for €20/50/100 with the transfer of ownership form being sent to a random name from the phoen book. They know nothing of the 'purchase' and may or may not report the matter to the local authority.

In the meantime, all fines/summons/claims are directed against the innocent householder