Re: Fine Gael policy to sell off state assets to pay for job creation - good/bad idea
Normally I would agree with offloading enterprises that have nothing to do with governing a country, but the way 'privatisation' works here makes me doubt that it would work.
Of the top of my head, I think selling the assets are a bad idea because;
o Lack of, or powerless, regulation in the relevant market.
o Protection against asset strippers, ala Eircom, who are only interested in short-term gain at the expense of necessary investment in our infrastructure, whether Broadband, Gas, Electricity.
o Handing control of vital infrastructure to private monopolies BEFORE adequate competition exists in the market.
Eircom effectively stopped rolling-out broadband to the remaining areas, which are now turning to mobile broadband, which is a barely adequate alternative to 'proper' wired DSL.
Eircom should have upgraded their lines to fibre-optic. This would allow those who are too far from BB enabled exchanges (hence degraded signal on phone wires) to get BB.
Just seeing Bord Gais and ESB as a supply of funds for job creation initiatives is not enuogh reason for selling them. Fine Gael needs to examine the impact of such a sale on the customers of the sold-off enterprises.
They also need to ensure proper competition and regulation exists in the market BEFORE selling them.
Anyway, chances are that the next Govt will be a FG/Lab coalition so any chance of these sell-offs happening is probably very remote