Fine Gael Leader change


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FF 22% FG 30%. FG the "2nd largest" party in the state are 8 points ahead of the least popular govt in history, is it not obvious that theres something wrong with FG. I know its only a poll but i believe its failry accurate. I couldnt believe they didnt change the last time.
Perhaps it's because people have long memories and FG have no real policies/leaders (aka they're all the same)?
Other alternative....Joan Burton as Minister for Finance?? sweet This post will be deleted if not edited immediately!
Perhaps it's because people have long memories and FG have no real policies/leaders (aka they're all the same)?
Other alternative....Joan Burton as Minister for Finance?? sweet This post will be deleted if not edited immediately!

true but if the govt is so unpopular you'd imagine that the main opposition should be surging
Perhaps it's because people have long memories and FG have no real policies/leaders (aka they're all the same)?
Other alternative....Joan Burton as Minister for Finance?? sweet This post will be deleted if not edited immediately!

...and there you have it.....despite the fact that FF are so unpopular, what is still giving them the edge is that there is no one else in any opposition who is better - except Eamon Gilmore it appears. But he is just one person.... flanked by Joan Burton (putting on my Jedward tone... 'OMG')

FG are just a sad effort.... the most unpopular government running the country in decades and FG cannot inspire any confidence in the electorate. Really is Enda Kenny the best that be produced.

If Eamonn Gilmore was running FG this circus would have changed a long time ago.

Enda is calling for an election on every given opportunity - but the fact is he is not strong enough to run the country.

FF could still pull off the next election - not because they are doing a great job of course - merely by the fact that the opposition is so bad.
If Eamonn Gilmore was running FG this circus would have changed a long time ago.

While not a natural Labour supporter, I can make the same claim for myself about FF & FG, and the rest.

That said, I just can't see what others see in Eamon Gilmore. To me, his whole strategy is a repeat of the Father Ted 'Down with that sort of thing' approach.

So, in the Labour Party, there's him and Joan Burton and Ruari Quinn and Pat Rabbitte. Whoever else is there hasn't made much of an impact on me.

To get a 'Spring Tide' surge in popularity, Gilmore would have to bring in a second Labour Party seat in Dun Laoghaire; ditto Ruari Quinn in Dublin SE. I can't see either of those events occurring.

Back on topic, the divisions in FG and the personality of Enda Kenny are the reason that they haven't carved out a clear lead. If FF can hang on 'til 2012, they could yet confound the pundits and not get annihilated at the next General Election, principally cos the Opposition failed to present a credible alternative (and with a different leader).
Other alternative....Joan Burton as Minister for Finance?? sweet This post will be deleted if not edited immediately!

If Labour are biggest party after next election, I assume the minister for finance would be from FG as Labour would bag the top job.
If Labour are biggest party after next election ..

They won't be. They're not capable of translating an opinion poll result into gaining seats in constituencies where they either have no presence, or where the entire constituency organisation is loyal to the sitting TD.
I would not expect Labour to translate their % share to seats as easy as the big 2 parties but they could still possibly be biggest party.
I would not be surprised if after next election the 3 parties had 40-50 seats each. There may not be much in it but Labour could finish ahead of FG.
If Labour are biggest party after next election, I assume the minister for finance would be from FG as Labour would bag the top job.

Doesn't alter the fact that they see fit to have JB as their spokesperson on Finance. The fact that they consider her to be their top party member for the job really makes me nervous!
Doesn't alter the fact that they see fit to have JB as their spokesperson on Finance. The fact that they consider her to be their top party member for the job really makes me nervous!

I'm not throwing my support behind JB when I say this but at least she is a qualified accountant and has some experience in finance.

I know this term gets thrown around a lot but it all comes back to local politics. In FG there was a motion of no confidence in Enda Kenny. IMO Richard Bruton appears to a much smarter more capable politician than Enda Kenny and yet the old crew of country politicians and the yahoo brigade backed him up and turned it into "Dublin v The Country" contest, even though the electorate clearly does not want him as the next Taoiseach!
I'm not throwing my support behind JB when I say this but at least she is a qualified accountant and has some experience in finance.

But accountancy and economics and treasury are all different professions, with a small degree of overlap. And should a teacher be the best candidte for the Department of Education, a soldier for the Department of Defence, etc. ?

Ruari Quinn was an effective Minister for Finance before Bertie and Charlie took over. Yet, does not have the Labour portfolio.

Is Joan Burton from the Labour wing of the party, or from the Democratic Left/Workers Party wing ?

FF could still pull off the next election - not because they are doing a great job of course - merely by the fact that the opposition is so bad.

I think if Lenihan was leader, FF would get a huge bounce.
Think about it of you go by the polls currently:
FF22 FG30.
If Lenihan is FF leader and Enda stays FG leader.
FF have to bounce taking a big chunk from FG and maybe a small amount from Labor. People vote for parties based on their leaders.

FF might have to make up part of the next govt.

Its a poor indicament of FG.
why concenentrate on individuals?? the government is run by the civil service and TD's are just water carrriers. Its the ability to interpret and present what the people want to hear is important. Why is Enda Kenny regarded as weak, he is not taosigh yet so cant be judged. Remember BC was lauded as this that and the other and look what we got. Vote for a party/policy.... and not for individuals.

As for polls just ignore them, just watch as the election draws closer the gap wil narrow and narrow and FF will be showing as gaining ground. The press want FF in power end of

If Joan Burton is the answer maybe the questions is
"Are you out of your cotton picking mind ? "
I think I'd have to emigrate if I was forced to listen to Joan Burtons soporific whiney voice were she in govt. *shudder* And thats even before we begin to discuss her leftie views...
true but if the govt is so unpopular you'd imagine that the main opposition should be surging

The main opposition is surging.

If Joan Burton is the answer maybe the questions is
"Are you out of your cotton picking mind ? "

Or maybe the question is "Which is the only party Finance spokesperson that saw the dangers off the blanket bank guarantee two years ago, BEFORE the guarantee was put in place?
just pointing out the traditional main opposition party is not taking advantage

Indeed, I was just pointing out that the traditional main opposition party is not the main opposition party any more. We may at last be maturing as a country away from decades of civil war politics to a traditional left/right alignment. Though one poll does not make a summer - we'll see tonight what tomorrow's SBP poll says.
Most likely outcome in next election is FG biggest party, Labour next and FF third.
It would be interesting if Labour had enough seats to form coalition with FF with Labour as main party i.e they have a choice to go in with FG as smaller party or go in with FF and have a Labour Taoiseach for first time ever.

It might sound like political suicide but if Enda Kenny is that unpopular and a Lab/ FF could still leave Brian Lenihan as MOF it might be a runner.