Fine Cyclists for headphone use?



Would this not be akin to fining motorists for using a mobile phone? Surely it is impacting on the ability of the cyclist to concentrate on the road and be aware of other road users around them? I would propose on the spot fines for cyclists caught with headphones to reduce cycle-related traffic accidents in 2009.

It would be akin to listening to the radio, and as far as I remember there is no fine for that. You may have a stronger case for it if you can point to any studies linking use of headphones with cycle accidents.
It would be akin to listening to the radio, and as far as I remember there is no fine for that. You may have a stronger case for it if you can point to any studies linking use of headphones with cycle accidents.

I think that headphones would restrict your senses more so than the car radio, as people tend to have the volume louder with head phones in and you can have the window down in a car.

Quick bit of Googling provides many articles of people who agree with me, may not be a study but.....

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Why not fine deaf people who cycle, or use a car...
As for those people that insist on carrying around distracting kids in the back seats....
Why not fine deaf people who cycle, or use a car...
As for those people that insist on carrying around distracting kids in the back seats....

Thats the spirit! And those people with pushchairs/buggies that appear to think they are to be used as battering rams or the like!
as a one-time teenager, I mean cyclist, I'd agree that they shouldnt wear headphones. You rely on hearing to know of approaching vehicles, hard breaking, warning beeps, sirens, warning shouts etc. You are also more likely to be "zoned out" and do something dangerous.

in a car you cant hear approaching cars (unless you stop and roll down the window), but even if you've the radio on you will hear a siren (unless the radio is on full blast).

unfortunately you sometimes need to use the stick approach to help people to help themselves.

Just beacuse you cant rid cars of all distractions shouldnt deter you from making positive safe changes for other road users.
Quick bit of Googling provides many articles of people who agree with me, may not be a study but.....

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The first is entirely anecdotal, the second is mostly about visibility, helmets and how many cyclist deaths are caused by trucks (did you actually read it?). Headphones are not great but open headphones do allow traffic to be heard and are not so different to listening to the radio. And you can't really legislate for stupidity - cyclists are vulnerable road users and good training, visibility and good road design are the widely acknowledged factors. Fining cyclists for headphone use is fiddling in the margins.

I said there were people that were thinking along the same lines.......

Did you not read section below:

#5 Background
Several deaths of cyclists have been reported in Ontario that were linked directly to the use of stereo headphones. We have all seen people riding bikes or driving cars seemingly completely in their own space and little aware of what is going on about them. Cyclist users of headphones, indeed any users who are engaged in an activity that may pose dangers to themselves or others through inattention to what they are doing, should be made aware of the dangers inherent in the use of these headsets in certain situations.
A study should be conducted into the incidence of stereo headphone use in conjunction with bicycle accidents with a view to supplementing bicycle education programs about the dangers of such use and, depending on the outcome of the study, consider recommendations for the prohibition of such use in certain circumstances.

Good post, these are the points I was trying to get at.....

tell that to my uncle who killed someone when they were wearing headphones while cycling and didn't pay attention. They went straight into his path and well you know the rest. Lives of 2 families changed forever.

That applies to walkers too.
As a regular commuting cyclist, I never wear headphones, as I use my hearing a lot, particularly when travelling through quiet housing estates. I know a few cyclists who will listen to the radio with one earphone, which I guess is less likely to impair their concentration.

I don't particularly think that fining would help - but if we do want a zero tolerance approach, let's fine every car driver that goes over the 50 kmph limit in urban areas (i.e. every driver) too.