Finding out who lived in a house?


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Hey All

i am looking to find out who lived in a house during the 1900-1920s.

Anyone have any idea where i would get this information from?

Can you look at the deeds ? ... it would have the names of the previous owners. Or ask the neighbours ... if any of them are long time residents.
If it's in Dublin, then Thom's Directory will tell you immediately.

There is also a company called Eirclan or something like that who will do up the history of a house for you.

Brendan said:
If it's in Dublin, then Thom's Directory will tell you immediately.
[broken link removed] on Pearse Street have a good collection of Thoms Directories.
Fingal Archives have the census from these dates on microfilm. They are based in city Centre, Parnell Square.