Finding out what estates are council estates


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Can anyone tell me if there's a site out there that lists council estates in each county? I would be familiar with most of them on Dublin South Side but not with the border counties. Any help appreciated.

I don't think there would be such a list, maybe newish developments could be found on County Council websites but as older areas would have a huge amount of privately owned houses I don't know if they would bother. Are you looking for a cheaper house?
Im looking at a house in Kildare, starting off pretty cheap but the EA has advised thats the AMV plus it would be higher only its an older estate! just wanted to find out if they are possibly council houses there - ill have to try find out when it was built. thanks for the input guys!
OK I've just found the following when googling the address of the property:

The Council considered statutory notice dated 13th November 2000, signifying intention to dispose of premises known as ************** to (estate agent) in consideration of the current value of rented equity (up to date in line with inflation) at the date of redemption of the Shared Ownership Loan, pursuant to the conditions under which the Shared Ownership Loan in respect of the premises was granted.

Resolved: On the proposal of Senator John Dardis seconded by Councillor J. Reilly pursuant to Section 83 of the Local Government Act, 1946 as amended by Section 88 of the Housing Act, 1966 that the Council consent to the disposal of the premises in accordance with the terms of the statutory notice.

I know it is a generalisation but older council estates used to be nearly always named after a saint or an Irish historical figure.
Newer estates try to conjure up images of coasts or woodlands
Many council estates, particularly those built before the 1960s, are now primarily owner-occupied. It might be worth remembering that such estates are often very plesant places to live!

In any case, unless you have a particularly unscrupulous estate agent, he or she will reveal such information when asked.