Finding out if someone is bankrupt


Registered User

I am discussing a business deal with someone and i have got indication they had financial problems before and may be a bankrupt.

How can i clarify this there a public record of bankrupts ?

Stubbs Gazette should list current bankrupts also the courts service would have a list.
Years ago when solicitors bought property they did various Searches which included a Search in the Registry of Bankruptcy...dont know if this is still there
the funny thing is that i know a couple of people that are bankrupt and were approved credit cards... so that makes me think if that information is really available to everybody...
Are they really bankrupt though? Bankruptcy in Ireland is very rare due to the archaic legislation behind it.
impact of bankruptcy

I have never thought deeply about it ..or the actual impact of bankruptcy but
you would think it would be available by some public method rather than private search companies.

I hope i am wrong but unable to proceed without clarity on it and direct
questions would not be good for reltationship.
The number of bankruptcies in Ireland is only around 8 to 10 a year.