Finding matching track details online for saved music on hard disk?


Registered User
Can anyone please enlighten me - I have some CD's saved on 'My Music' section of hard drive - and i never went to the bother of typing in all the relevant track titles etc. when i copied them across from the CD - now I have been told that there is some mechanism by which (i take it) a piece of software can be downloaded that will recognise the relevant files and can access a database online that will magically upload the relevant track details against my saved music...
... can it be this easy?
and if so, what is the piece of software that is required?
You probably want something like CDDB or FreeDB and some software that can scan you existing collection and look up one of these online databases for track details. The links in the Wikipedia articles should be a good place to start.
Have had the same problem, but Realplayer seems to locate the data from the internet once you copy the CD whilst connected to the net, if you are copying without this connection it omits the track data.
I'm sure that there are lots of other free and commercial utilities available (and some of the better known media apps such as iTunes, Media Player etc. might also do the job) but [broken link removed] can scan you hard drive for tracks and then use FreeDB to download track details and rename tracks as required. Maybe that would do the job?
I use Windows Media Player 10 to rip CD's. All you need to do is click on the button for Retrieve CD information (cannot remember specific wording) and as long as your are connected to the internet, it fills in the album, artist and track details. It is the same with earlier version of WMP.

Jaysus, the thoughts of having to type in the track listing for hundreds of CD's would not appeal...

Just thought, if you bring up the unnamed tracks in a playlist in WMP, and look for the album information, I am nearly sure it will go off and find it without the CD. Or at the very worst, just put the CD back in at the same time.