finding land???



hi, my horse recently got stolen and i believe i have found the person who might have her.However he seems like a shady character and i was wondering if there was any way of finding out what land he owns so as to track the horse.Ive been to the gardai already and they arent really interested in helping me find her.hopefully someone here has an idea or two.Cheers
Get back down to the Gardaí. Its their job to help you. Get your local TD to send them a letter or call them.
Have to agree with Redbhoy. What is the point of finding out where his land is? all you will then know is where he could be keeping the horse, if it is the same horse. Unless you are thinking of stealing it back which is not a sensible route to go down.

Get back onto the Gardai with the evidence that this individual has your horse and get them to do their job.

That's awful! What part of the country are you in? My biggest fear is having any of mine stolen.

Personally if any any of mine were in fact stolen there's nothing which wouldn't stop me from getting them back. Non horse-owners have to understand how precious the animals are to their owners. They're like children to them! If it were me, I'd follow the guy, inconspiculously of course. Figure out where he's from and then check if he had my horse and yes I would take the animal back myself. Gardai aren't usually interested unless the animal is micro-chipped or freezemarked (I have all mine freeze-marked -check out Padlock Ireland for this service).
Most horses that are stolen in Ireland are shipped straight up the north and over to the UK as there are very little checks done at the ports. They're all supposed to have passports but these are easily forged, hence why most disappear never to be heard of again. Freezemark is the only real deterrent.
Yes all horses have to be micro-chipped for registration to most societies these days. However, this is still not fail-sail as thieves can actually remove this chip and replace it with a different one. The only real deterrent is to brand them with a freezemark, basically a very cold iron is applied to the skin, on the shoulder or under the saddle area, for a minute and the hair will grow back white. It's painless for the horse and permanent and because it's so easily identifiable, it's been proven to be the best form of anti-theft protection.