Finding an email address on the internet


Registered User
I'm hoping someone can help here. I'm trying to locate an email address of an old friend and I'm wondering if anyone knows the best way to go about this. I'm pretty sure in the past I used the Yahoo People Search but that just doesn't seem to work anymore. I have a yahoo account and I when I searched for my own name it found nothing, I've not gotten any results for any of the searches I've done. Has anyone else used this recently, or at all?

I've come across a number of sites where you can pay for info but I'm not really looking to go down that road.

Also the person is not based in the USA so any sites which are exclusively US based are no use to me and there seems to be a good few of those.

Anyway if anyone has any experience with this and can shed any light on the subject I'd appreciate it.

I'd imagine that with the amount of spam being sent these days that no one setting up a new mail account would let the address be published on a public directory which unfortunately is of no help to you.
I was looking for someone in Canada a couple of years ago and was able to access the telephone directly on line. I knew it was probably Toronto so found them easily enough. It entailed writing a letter but I did make contact.