finders fee for foreign students


Registered User
my friend got a job finding homes for foreign students that have been let down at the last minute. she gets a finders fee for each home she gets, she didnt ask how much the fee was at the start as she was very anxious, later she was told it was 25euro per home, i thought myself that this was very low as she spent alot of time 12hrs approx and petrol running around as it was urgent. does anyone know if this is the going rate for a finders fee
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Shouldt she have asked first? before taking the job on?

Sounds like a part time job, I personally dont think they expect people to work a 12 hr shift (or close to that) but the fee in question seems fair to me
well the more homes she signs up the better for her, 30 students have to be housed by next wednesday, she's not complaining , its just she was so anxious to get a job she didn't asked straight out, but if it seems reasonable to you then maybe im expecting too much for her.
Slightly off topic, but how do people in general feel about recipients of Social Welfare payments and rent allowance taking in up to 3 such foreign students and making a lot of money during the summer months?

The person in question told me that she has no intention of declaring the income, she sees it as a 'nice little earner at the taxpayers' expense' every summer.
I guess that if you have a problem with this, the first step would be for you to report them to SW.