find out how much home sold for Sligo



I'm trying to find out how much my uncles home sold for in Sligo, it was left to me in his will but as I live in the states I let my brother take the deeds to it with the promise that it would be mine when I moved back. He sold it 2 years ago and I have now found out that he lied about how much. Is there any way to find out what a house sold for
Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated

Its not clear how what was yours ended up being sold by your brother. The house was yours? And it was going to be yours when you moved back? But he sold it? Did you ask him to sell it? Did you allow him to extract a Grant of Probate? Was he an executor or administrator of the uncles estate? If you know he lied about how much, how do you know that? Why don't you ask him for a formal breakdown of the estate expenses together with a copy of the advice note from the auctioneer who acted in the sale and a copy of the Contract for sale which he can get from the solicitor who acted in the sale?

my uncle "gave"the house to me while he was still alive, he also lived in the states ,and was to get all the paperwork done while back in Ireland for his vacation. Unfortunately, he died suddenly before going back. In the meantime I let my brother move into the house and he told me the paperwork had to be completed in a certain time frame. I know, very stupid of me to just go along with all of this!!! I could not go back to Ireland that year and let my brother register the house in his name. It was sold privately no agent or bank involved (from what I've been told) Its a big mess right now as a neighbor wrote and told me that he sold it for $150,000 more then he told me, sorry for rambling on, I will never be this gullible again but in the meantime would like to find out if there is any way either thru Land Registry/Registry of Deeds that I could investigate this matter further. Hope I have explained a bit better this time. Basically I'm a total IDIOT and am imbarrassed to even tell the story
"It was sold privately no agent or bank involved (from what I've been told) "

OK - point taken - it is a mess. BUT there has to be some paperwork and you have to ask the brother for back up. There has to be paperwork and if there isn't then yes, someone is lying somewhere. And, if you let him register the property in his sole name, is that not akin to giving it to him? Unless, of course, the house never was yours because your uncle died before transferring it to you in which case, it belongs to his estate and anyway would'nt there have to be a Grant of Probate anyway?

Get yourself a solicitor - even if you are still in the States - agree on and pay them a fixed sum up front, tell them the truth, the whole truth and nothing but and take their advices.

thank you for the advice, I am telling you the truth whole truth and nothing but....... My aunt is still alive and after my uncle died said she would sign all over to me, but my brother convinced BOTH of us that this was the easiest way to do it (deeds to him) I trusted him completely never thought he would do anything like this, I will get in touch with a solicitor asap. Having lived here for the last 25 years, I just thought that there would be somewhere gov agency, council etc that I could get information from before going to a solicitor. When you sell a house here it has to be recorded and that is public knowledge (if you want to go to the local courthouse and look it up) Thanks again for your time