Finbarr's back...!?


Anyone remember this guy? :eek:

Fugitive financier Ross to face 41 fraud charges (1999)
Finbarr Ross' prison sentence quashed on appeal (2001)

Now looky ...

Financier Ross plans 'spiritual' tour guide
Tuesday April 4th 2006
Tom Lyons
FINBARR Ross, the Cork financier whose company went bust in the mid-1980s owing millions of pounds sterling to investors, is planning a major conference in Dublin as part of his new life as a 'spiritual' tour guide, writes Tom Lyons. Mr Ross whose company is called Celtic Mystical Journeys, said he had booked The Tara Towers Hotel in Dublin in September to hold the conference called 'Awaken to the Divine Feminine.'
This will feature talks by Mr Ross and others such as author Margaret Starbird and Kathleen McGowan on Mary Magdalan and the Knights Templar, among other topics popularised by best-selling novel 'The Da Vinci Code'.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I swear to God, I'd love to go along, just to 'egg' him... :D
Who was it that said that no one ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of their audience?