My husband and i plan to build a house in the area that i am originally from in the next 2 years. We currently own a house value 240k, mortgage outstanding 340k, monthly repayment 1100. We can let the house for 900pm.
My income is 90k and my husband is out of work. He was made redundant 6 months ago and is currently minding our 2 young children, so no childcare fees at present (was 1500 pm). We have savings of 200k and no other loans.
Site cost is 60k and build is approx 260k. My plan was to buy the site soon and start the build with our savings, then approach the bank later for finance for remainder. Is this the best way to proceed? Will the bank give us mortgage for shortfall of 120k given that we have large mortgage already? Also will my husband's unemployment be a major issue? Obviously this may change by the time we look for finance. Should we contact the bank now or wait till we are halfway through the build? We are planning to use a builder.