2008, March 14th:
A radioactive crocodile will escape from Dublin Zoo and work it's way through sewers to the vaults of the Central Bank. Irelands stockpile of Euro notes and coins will become radioactive and deemed unusable, and geiger counters will be issued to all banks and major retail outlets as a precaution. Callers to Joe Duffy will demand geiger counters for every household in Ireland, which ultimately leads to a blow-out between the Greens and FF, and a general election by mid June. The ISEQ drops so fast during this period that a number of brokers and financial pundits get the bends, and die. The ECB decides to expel Ireland from the Eurozone as an example, and Ireland leaves the EU in protest. Ireland is declared a rogue state, and economic sanctions are put in place. Oil is discovered in the Wicklow hills and within days US aircraft carriers are sighted off Hook Head. House prices collapse, bunker prices dramaticaly increase.
I'm telling you guys... it's going to happen.