Financial Advisors?? Which one??



I just found out my house went up €80K after only one year! (we got it for 15K less than it was worth)

I now think it may be worth while to downsize the house and get a smaller one.

I think the best bet is to visit a financial advisor, does anyone know a good one who does not cost the earth and won't try and sell me mortgages i don't want??!!

(In Dublin please....)
This thread and the links it contains might be of interest to you. Unfortunately the AAM Directory of Authorised Advisors hasn't really taken off to date...
Don't rush into this. Yes - it may give you a chance to realise this gain, but if there is a chance that you're going to need the extra space down the road (and you like your current house/location), you're probably better of sticking with what you have. The transaction costs associated with buying/selling a house are very high.