Finance on car



Can somone help me?.....
We bougha 4 year old car 2 months ago, we run our own company and my husband has just prchased a van for work,
We thought we would trade in the 2 family car's and purchase just one car for me, Only the garage we went to has just told us there is outstanding finance on the car we bought 2 months ago
Are we responsible? or the garage? or the person that sold it to the garage?
should I also be worried?
You bought it from a dealer then? I would have thought they'd be required to check all cars they buy and sell for finance. Ultimately the car is collateral on a loan and as far as I'm aware, if the lease holder defaults on the finance, the leasing company can take the car. You should have a claim against tha garage in that case, but I think that would be the limit of your position. You might want to talk to a solicitor about this.
Im the person from the Mains dealer claims not to have known about finance thread.

Did you sign a contract with the garage you bought it from and if so does the contract say anything about finance? Did you verbally ask was there finance outstanding?
If the car was sold to you on the understanding that finance was clear then the contract may be void. Are the garage SIMI registered?

Or has the garage sat on the paperwork and is the finance clear but the Irish Credit Bureau not been notified yet - get motorcheck or similar to physically check with the lending institution to find out the status of the finance - it 'could' be clear but showing online as not clear.