fiat punto front axle


Registered User
Hi All

I am looking to buy at small car ( Fiat punto) and I have seen one locally it had NCT done recently and it front axle is 30% imbalanced.

According to NCT report if the front axle is more then 30% imbalanced then it will fail the NCT test so this car has marginally passed NCT.

I am wondering if I should buy this car ? How much does it cost to fix it ? Or is it a big problem or can I be able to live with it ?

I know this person and he had this car for year and car otherwise looks OK.

Please help
Thanks in advance
Re: fiat funto front axle

what year is it ??
how much are they looking for it ??

could be a lot of things or could be as simple as getting the tracking done (E40)

could be something bent like a wishbone or shock absorber or worn rubbers but these would prob have been pointed out in the NCT so first thing id get the tracking done - if they cant get it right in the tyre place then there is something else wrong.
Year is 2000 and it is around 1300 euros.

I am not sure what is wrong but I am planning it to show it to a friend who works in a garage.