Fianna Fail Language - Sleezish



Recent statement from Brian Cowen....'We haven't started any negotiations. I want to get away from this word game.'
In that statement lies the truth, he has always played 'word games' Well Brian I've news for you...the game is up!

Please suggest names for the fianna fail confusing, spinning, condescending, language that we have had to listen to
for a very long time now.... too long. I suggest Sleezish...

Remember we had leaders that inspired with words. Charles Stewart Parnell, Roger Casement, Michael Collins.
Our current leadership is an insult to their memory.
....I will end with my favourite quote,

"Come up beside me then and be as one,
who hath a right to lean upon my heart'

Roger Casement
Never voted FF and never will but....

Maybe the 2 Brians are spoofing and bluffing and messing for a good reason i.e. to get a better negotiating position (e.g. corp tax). They could just roll over and beg the IMF to slash and burn which they will gladly do.

I mean FF know their goose is cooked so what is in it for the 2 Brians to be so "slippery"?? I have to assume they are decent human beings and do not want the country destroyed so will history show that they played a tough hand of cards well??

i.e. to get a better negotiating position (e.g. corp tax)

That is the kernel of it.

The Labour & FG manifestos prior to the last election favoured more spending and Less tax.

Even the fine gael finance spokesman was once in favour of compansation for Eircom Shareholders.

For far too long the social partners have praced into govt. buildings.

The IMF will demand change.

About time IMo.
With a bit of luck the IMF will make the Government minimise itself. We dont need so many TDs and Senators if we already have civil servants doing the actual work. Cut the pay of the top civil service workers and get rid of most of the clowns in the Dáil.
With a bit of luck the IMF will make the Government minimise itself. We dont need so many TDs and Senators if we already have civil servants doing the actual work. Cut the pay of the top civil service workers and get rid of most of the clowns in the Dáil.

Can't happen without a referendum.

Although if you ask the public "will you vote for a smaller govt rather than the country go bust?" it'll probably go through.

Sure we can add Lisbon III, Child welfare/rights, Abortion, removal of reference to the church in the Constitution, independence of PRC etc, onto the same ballot and save money.
I cant wait for Lisbon 3- The Revenge!!

Hopefully people will realise that ALL the major political parties campaigned for a yes vote! Not just Fianna FAIL.
Ha Ha...very cruel....very funny.....

I cant take it anymore so I'm looking to previous (dead) leaders for inspiration and I found this by Michael Collins.....[FONT=Times New Roman,Georgia,Times]“The course of life and labour reminds me of a long journey I once took on the railway. Suddenly, there was a breakdown ahead, and passengers took the event in various ways. Some of them sat still resignedly, and never said a word. Others again, went to sleep. But some of us leaped out of that train, and ran on ahead to clear the road of all obstructions.” Michael Collins, Clearing the Road [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman,Georgia,Times][/FONT]
I can't stand the sight of them, the sound of them and even the name, Fianna Fail.

For me the Fu....g Ferengi.

Ha ha, very cruel, very funny!

I cant stand it anymore so I'm looking to past (dead) leaders for inspiration.
Came across this quote.....

[FONT=Times New Roman,Georgia,Times]“The course of life and labour reminds me of a long journey I once took on the railway. Suddenly, there was a breakdown ahead, and passengers took the event in various ways. Some of them sat still resignedly, and never said a word. Others again, went to sleep. But some of us leaped out of that train, and ran on ahead to clear the road of all obstructions.” Michael Collins, Clearing the Road [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman,Georgia,Times][/FONT]