Fianna Fail and the forgerey



What do people think about the disgrace that is the one year suspension handed down to the Wexford Fianna Fail TD for forging Bertie boys signature. Is this country becoming like Italy! a nation of con artist's and corruption?

How can this party full of rats and sly idiots run this once great nation.

Charlie, Reynolds, Bertie, Lenihan, Flynn... absolute scum in my eyes.
Care to elaborate on why you think Albert Reynolds and Brian Lennihan are "scum" ??

Or is this another one of your pathetic attempts to start an argument using unsubstantiated opinions and nonsensical logic???
Fianna Fail

Prometheus you alive again.. well done but as i know your also use other user names.... why dont you head back to sleep....

A man with more than one user name is clearly a coward and
a man with no substantial argument.... Pathetic !!!!!! just like your user name.

I wonder will it be johnjames or Prometheus that will reply... sad sad man.....
Re: Fianna Fail

Prometheus2 and owensy (and johnjames2010 in another topic) are posting from the same IP address so either they are the same person or posting through the same proxy in which case they might want to take the bickering offline and do it face to face? :\
Re: Fianna Fail

Does'nt mean we know each other clubman !!

really ClubMan? thats quite pathetic lads if its true. and too much of a coincidence that you could all be on the same college or work network and be logged on at in or around the same time.....very very sad