Fg/labour - policy of fairness - 15 ministers and 15 junior ministers


Registered User
I find it very very hard to stomach when I hear such bilge as fairness blabbed out by this coalition government when all their pre election promises are falling by the wayside. Roll on next election and it will be bye bye.

How can we have a need for a minister on 169,000 and then a junior on 130,000 doing what?? We are in hock to the world and all these guys can do is line their pockets. What other country has a minister and a junior minister??

And then the cheek of Enda Kenny approaching the EU with a brief to reduce interest rates!! For what? So that he can give out more money to his cronies.

We have heard sod all about reversing the minimum wage, getting the last part of M18 off the ground etc etc.

In fact we have heard not a bean about any job creation apart for their own.

The media should hammer them at every opportunity.

They make me sick. And if I was German I would be fuming, bailing out a shower like this.

I must admit I am sickened by it all, we have same old shower under a different name.

According to the FG spin, the 'promise' for 12 junior ministers was not in their GE11 manifesto.

And I don't care how many ministers there are, or juniors, or how much they're paid, so log as they're doing a good job. Too soon, yet, to arrive at a conclusion.

And then the cheek of Enda Kenny approaching the EU with a brief to reduce interest rates!! For what? So that he can give out more money to his cronies.

Do you really believe that to be true ?

What other country has a minister and a junior minister??

In the UK, the Chancellor of the Exchequer is supported by four junior ministers.
Jeez Noah you really need to chill out and give the new government a chance here! They're in office all of 2 days and already you're sickened by it all? How did you ever survive under FF for so long if you're so worked up 2 days into a new government? They've already committed to reversing the minimum wage change and have committed to putting some things in place to try and stimulate job creation in the first 100 days of office - maybe you missed all this such is your rage!
I agree that we need to give them a chance but I can also understand why people are annoyed about this. We have spent nearly three years listening to crap from our government. The new government have their first chance to show that things are different and fail dismally. Forget the paycuts. That is pure optics. Real leadership would have seen kenny and Gilmore appoint the best cabinet and stand by their commitment to reduce the number of junior ministers instead of rewarding people who were upset at not getting seat seats at cabinet. People are cynical and are right to be.
I know, and heard another little tit bit, they are going to create 36 more quangos. Still waiting for the jobs bit.

And do you honestly think we need a minister and a junior minister?
