Fewer leaps in new technology?.


Registered User
We - the human race - seems to have slowed down a bit in making the kind of technological leaps that we made in the last century.

I mean has anybody noticed how many new technologies offer us solutions that are worse than those which were on offer years ago, and they're charging us more for the privilage.

Heres my list ...
- Mobile phones - awful poor battery life - even if you are not using 3g, buggy software, poorer reception if you are on 3g.

- TV's - they might be flat but but the picture quality sure is worse with standard signals than the old kind.

- Hyrbrid cars - less green than my diesel fiesta in the early ninties which could circumnavigate the country on a single fill - now thats green.

- Low energy light bulbs. Light at the flick of a switch was invented decades ago. My parents had in instand light their home in the 50's. But here we are happily regressing to something that takes 20 seconds to get fully lit, gives off a dim light, and costs a multiple of the old type.
.. not to mention the failure of science and technology to develop a jet pack for mass use !
Oh man - remember that jet pack at the opening ceremony of the Olympics - I think it was in LA - I thought we were all going to have one of those in 10 years time.

Just found it on youtube!!! Why can't i have one of these
I know, we should all have jet packs and holiday homes on the moon, im very annoyed by the lack of progress on this.

as for mobile phones, i think they tend to have a lot more faults and things going wrong with them then the old ones with the black and white digital screens.

and when will we ever get those japanesse toilets that they've had over there for years with the water foutain function and stuff i love those toilets.

Phones , and hybrids are down to batteries. They follow the industrial time scales on innovation , and not the technology ones.

On the TV side that is because the screen is bigger. What looks a perfect picture in 14" will look terrible on 42". The flaws are 3 times the size.
yeah, why can't we go back to the moon?, and Mars...
On the TV side that is because the screen is bigger. What looks a perfect picture in 14" will look terrible on 42". The flaws are 3 times the size.

Sorry but I disagree and am with the OP on the subject of TVs.

We are constantly told that we are living in a digital world where the signal feed to the TVs is better than ever before.

Yet I have seen so many fancy plasma's and LCD screens where the picture is truly shocking. It can be so digitised that it looks like a computer game at times (best example is grass during a football match).

I do realise that if there was fewer channels on SkySD/HD and everything was broadcast in 1080p on to 1080p TVs then it would look good, but as it stands its not in 99% of cases, so it looks rubbish.

I have a 36" CRT TV and I can't see myself getting rid of it anytime soon as I have yet to see anything vastly superior to it to persuade me to part with it.

And don't get me started on mobiles !! You spend most of the time on calls saying, "sorry I lost you there". Personally I think there is just too much signal out there in the air.

Everything going digital seems to make it worse than analogue from what I have seen/heard.