Fender Bender


Registered User
Well, not exactly, but driving to work this morning in the traffic I bumped into the guy in front of me (Still don't know how...all I can come up with is my foot slipped off the brake as we were creeping through the traffic...d'oh). Now, as I was doing <5 miles an hour, the damage was largely superficial, I imagine the scrape on his bumper (although cars dont really have bumpers anymore...) was maybe 3 inches long. To the best of my recollection it was a Mondeo, prob a few years old (maybe 2005ish).

Worst case scenario is the entire panel needs to be replaced (although, that would be very extreme considering the negligable damage to the bumbper...no cracks etc). What would this cost....does anyone ahve experience with tapping into someone? I'm hoping he'll say "no repair to be done" considering the minro scrape, but is this just wishful thinking on my part?
The cost of this could depend on their morals..There are a class of society that will see this as pay day.

There again, a bumper replacement can run up at €800/€900.
Kine, a friend hit a mondeo years ago, and the bumper cracked. I remember it was serious money, she was so shocked. She also had to claim on her insurance instead of paying out because of the cost.

Me hopes the person doesnt want a new bumper!
Thanks for the input, I'm aware of the potential outlay :(

However, I'm 99% positive I didn't crack it, I really was doing about 4 miles an hour. Looking at the damage, it was only a little sratch. I'm hoping the man will be decent about it and not demand a new panel, but these days I don't hold much hope :(

Said he'd call me this weekend, so I'll see what happens. If he quotes me something high, will demand an independant quote before I hand over any cash.

Annoying too, as my insurance is up for renewal in a month! Hope I don't need to claim!
Still haven't heard anything....and like the numbnuts I am forgot to take his details so cannot contact him :(

It's the damned waiting! I'm hopeful he figured nothing needed doing and has left it at that. How long after something like this do you think it can be left? For example, in 5 months I get a call "by the way, finally got around to getting that fixed..."