I want to erect a fence to the side/front of my house for privacy. At present there is only a low boundary wall between my house and the house next door.So I would build the fence on my side of the boundary wall.
I have exactly 3 feet in length along the side up to my gable. Therefore, to my knowledge, as this is the side of my property, I can have a height of 1.8 metres without planning permission. However the 3 feet of length gives me very little screening so I have planted a fast growing grisalinea hedge a bit further out front. But there will still be a gap of about 2 feet between where the fence would stop and the hedge begins and further planting is not possible there.
If I were to extend the fence even another few inches in length beyond the gable towards the front, could that potentially cause issues? Does the front of a property, where you can only have 1.2 metres in height, begin strictly at the gable? Or is there some leeway allowed? My neighbours are not very nice, so I prefer to play safe.
Any advice on this please? Thanks.