Fence drilled into shared dividing wall.



I live in a semi-detached house and the properties are separated at the front by a two and a half foot high wall. Today, the neighbour drilled a six foot high fence into his side of the shared wall without consulting with us. It's an eyesore to be honest, but is he within his rights to do so?
see item 16. If the fence is over 1.2 metres high and if you interpret a wooden fence as security then it is NOT exempt from planning and you should contact the local authority for the area you live in.


16. Can I build walls around my house without planning permission?
Yes. Subject to:

1. Not more than 2m high to the rear.

2. Not more than 1.2 metres to the front or forward of the front of the house

NB: Metal palisade or other security fencing is not exempt.
I live in a semi-detached house and the properties are separated at the front by a two and a half foot high wall. Today, the neighbour drilled a six foot high fence into his side of the shared wall without consulting with us. It's an eyesore to be honest, but is he within his rights to do so?

why dont you ask him would he like a cup of tea and a hob nob and have a chat with the man! If george bush could do that the whole world would be happy. In fact bring in some fruit while your at it???

best of luck with your neighbourly efforts!
Thanks David, it is over that height and definately put up as "security", i.e. to stop us hopping across the wall to ask them to keep the sound down when they're blaring music.

Oirish, there's nothing more I'd like than to settle this over a cosy cuppa and a chocolate hobnob or three! The man makes Dubya look like a saint though, he refuses to talk to me except to give abuse and hangs up if I ring. If you want to check the events that led up to the of-fence-ive situation, I have a post here:

Thanks David, it is over that height and definately put up as "security", i.e. to stop us hopping across the wall to ask them to keep the sound down when they're blaring music.

Oirish, there's nothing more I'd like than to settle this over a cosy cuppa and a chocolate hobnob or three! The man makes Dubya look like a saint though, he refuses to talk to me except to give abuse and hangs up if I ring. If you want to check the events that led up to the of-fence-ive situation, I have a post here:


i dont mean to sound like I'm am taking the mickey here but I had an old neighbour [not exactly next door but...]like that before - I went overboard and sent flowers [from me and missus] and bought pints in the local and on arriving in the pub said hello across the bar until he eventually had to acknowledge me. I dont have a compulsive disorder by the way but - it was either this or the rest of my life in 'my home' feeling stupid everytime he was around - so I went full opposite.

He eventually had to [simply] speak to me and when that happened I explained that I didnt care if he didnt like me and that I truly detested him but it didnt mean I could not be civil and polite. We're not and never will be best mates [thank God] but I nod and say hello and I get the return and the odd time he'll mention the weather.

I had a great laugh along the way as he doesnt speak to anyone really in the community and for those who knew 'the inside track' of my being overly polite it really was good fun!

Best of luck and hope it all works out
The old "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar" approach, eh Oirish? We did get on beautifully with the owners, you couldn't ask for better neighbours. Unfortunately one died and the other is in a nursing home, not knowing what's going on.

Their evil son-in-law has rented the place out, and therein lies the problems. Talking to him might not be possible as he sent me a solicitor's letter stating that any issues were issues between me and the tenants and not to involve him. Or else.

Lovely fellow, eh?