Felix Baumgartner freefall jump from space


Registered User
There's a live stream of this freefall, at the moment delayed due to weather conditions. I'm finding the Guardian's website is offering the most reliable feed at the moment.

I was about to gripe that they only had freeze dried coffee at work and then I remembered a guy was about to throw himself out of a balloon. From space. And free fall. Just because.

Currently saying launch will be at 14:30 at the earliest.
Yup, but forget that one old man, this generation's going for breaking the sound barrier too rather than some pleasant drift down.
I was about to gripe that they only had freeze dried coffee at work

What a disaster! I think you could sue. Check the terms of your contract. Certainly if you can't legally sue, you should be able to, morally. This is the kind of thing that is so demoralising.
This sort of thing wouldn't have happened in Bertie's day!
Thanks for your support, just handed in my notice and submitted a constructive dismissal claim. You guys will be witnesses right? Guys? Guys?