fear of flying/no medical issues


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has anybody taken a cruise to us, how long did it take,any rough seas on crossing.
I have suffered from fear of flying in the past.Still dislike take off intensely.However I was pleasantly surprised on my one and only trip to the U.S.the flight was perfect.One thing I found was when your children accompany you on flights it takes your mind off yourself.I often used T.M.{Transendental Meditiation]during take off.I have recently covered my ears to try to block out the increase in the noise of the engines during take off.
i have flown to the us ten times in the last year and my fear of flying has got worst instead of better. i constanly think of my wife and four small children and the possibility that i might not get back safe. i have cancelled flights, changed flights and basically nearly lose the plans every time i have to go.i have read wed sites on fear of filing to no avail. some people resolve their fear of flying by never flying again . any way to get to us without fying.
To be honest I'm not mad about flying...not to the point where I wouldn't but I really don't like it. I've been advised to learn how to fly planes myself. Apparently the fear is largely due to control (or lack thereof) issues. So I plan to take lessons out at Westin Aerodrome and get some form of license.
Somebody out in Dublin Airport used to run a course to help people overcome irrational fears of flying. May have been some branch of Aer Lingus. I believe that it was based on CBT techniques which aim to identify, challenge and change irrational thought/behaviour patterns. I guess that any properly trained CBT therapist could help with this sort of thing. I only know about the course above because a friend of mine booked the course for his girlfriend as a present. She went along and conquered her irrational fear of flying. Then she left him and travelled the world with her new beau...
british company runs a course at dublin airport,2 hr class followed by 45 min flight. they have a class on the 7th of july at clarion hotel,cost 350, i can not recall their name.they say they have 98% success rate. what i want to know is what happens to the other 2%. aer lingus no longer run classes, i asked air hostess on flight back from u s. i do not know how the airline crews deal with constant flying.
Any way to get to the US without flying.

Unless you want to take about 7 days on a cruise liner that runs maybe a dozen times a year and costs a fortune (www.cunard.com) then no is the answer to this.

I know that statistics don't really help for some people but I always find it useful to remember that the most dangerous part of your journey is almost certainly the drive to the airport. How many Irish people died last year on the roads ? - How many in air crashes ?

The best statistic on it I heard is that you could board a random flight anywhere in the world every day and statistically speaking it would be something like 50,000 years before you were involved in a fatal air crash, and even then you as an individual have a better than 50/50 chance of getting out of that crash alive.
Forget about crashing. The cosmic rays at 30,000 feet will probably give you cancer.
My other half took the QE2 to get to the U.S in 2001. The following was the trip.

Car to Rosslair.
Ferry to UK
Train to Southampton
QE2 supposed to be to NY but twin towers happened mid atlantic so had to divert to Boston.
Bus from Boston to NY.
Train to Florida.

The train fare to Florida alone was more than I was paying for return flights from Florida to Shannon.

We both got a flight back. Common sense has to come in to it somewhere.

P.S. Said that the QE2 was the most expensive Retirement Home in the world.
Fear of flying is a highly treatable condition .... CBT has the most evidence for success .... get a good Clinical Psychologist to treat this condition ...
My other half used to be afraid of flying until another passenger on one of our flights recommended "The Easy Way To Fly" by Allan Carr (the stop smoking guy).

I read the book myself and couldn't see what made it work, but then I'm not afraid of flying and it has clearly worked for her.

The book only cost about €10 so it might be any idea to try it first before spending hundreds on a course - which incidentally didn't help her and she tried 2 different courses.