Favorite PDA/Smart phone?


Registered User
Whats you favorite PDA/Smart phone?

I've been lost since my Palm died. I tried a Sony Experia X1 but it was too awkward to use. I now have a E71 which is ok, but its too fussy. I have a iPod touch I use, but I don't think the PDA functionaly is quite there yet. So I assume the iPhone is the same.

Mainly looking for something with good tasks/memos/ToDo's a calendar and a today events type screen. Also something that syncs with the computer and can be backed up. For example some my data on my iPod applications can't be backed up or transferred to another phone. Something with a decent radio, MP3 player and camera would be good too.

Wondering what others are using?
Nokia N95 is pretty good, I have one myself.. it has all the functionality you requested..