Faulty new car


Registered User
I have just bought a new 08d car and everything on the dashboard died on the car within seconds on leaving the garage, I could drive the car but didn't know how fast I was going. The garage fixed it within a few minutes, it was a lose wire.

Then 1 week later the car did die, it would not start and had to be towed away. 1 week + 2 days on and they cant fix the problem yet and I am driving a courtesy car and not enjoying the new car, the point of buying new was for reliability, now my confidenence is totally gone in this car.

Is there a deadline I can give them to get it fixed or is it tough luck on me and I have to sit it out until they fix it?. Also what happens it I get the car back and it happens again? Can I demand my money back.

I have not approached SIMI yet but will do. Looking for advice.
If you read the car mags its not ususual for new cars, even very expensive ones to have gremlins/faults when new. If they fix it quickly and accomodate you with a courtesy car I think you'd have to give them a little bit of time to resolve it for you.
Write to the dealer expressing your concerns, at least it'll be documented if things turn really sour later on.

What sort of car is it?
I'd whinge like hell - write the sales manager a letter and also write the dealership headquarter customer serive as to your utter discontent over ther whole thing. Make sure the sales manager know this. Tell them you'll write to all motoring papers/mags voicing your treatment if you are not fully looked after once the car is eventually fixed.
I would be confident they may throw something your way.

'The Squeeky wheel get the grease'
If the repair job is going on for a while, ***** like hell and also contact the main dealership about the problem. Keep a note about dates and the problems encountered with the car. I know it is awful hard to go back to a brand new car which gave problems from the start but this situation may require a replacement if it is taking that long. Keep *****ing as the previous poster suggested. No harm to give a ring to the Consumers Association of Ireland because they are a great help at times.
Thanks for the advice. Got a call to say the car is now fixed. I have informed them I want it in writing as to what was wrong with the car before I take it back. I have informed them if it goes again I will be handing it back and going to SIMI etc etc. One out of thousands of cars made are turkeys and I hope mine if not one of them.

I will keep you posted to let you know if anymore problems.
You may not want to I guess, but if you post make and model, some here might be able to advise re problems/potential problems/prognosis etc.