Fault with O2 XDA Device


Registered User
Hi there,

I have an XDA device which is 18 months old. Manafacturer/o2 Warranty was for one year. In the last 5 months I activated a data broadband package for the phone. It has since been ascertained through technical support that the problems I've been having with connectivity are down to the phone unit itself.

My question is whether I am covered under statutory rights (Sale of goods and supply of services act..) as a consumer despite the manafacturer warranty being expired.

Seeing O2 is the seller they should have to rectify the situation if this problem is discovered within the reasonable lifetime of the device?

The store assistant manager categorically states that statutory rights have no relevance in this case. Just want to check if he is conrrect or not. It seems statutory rights are very subjective so perhaps he is.
I had to go through their Retail head office who stonewalled me.
The issue is now with a unit called Customer First in Limerick. Lets see what happens....