Father Ted to be remade in the USA

Nooooooooooooooooooooo you can't improve on perfection !
You never know - the original I feel is is so inextricably linked with a certain irishness that any wise producer would make some pretty radical changes. The eventual product might actually bear very little resemblance and may be a good show in it's own right?
"Dopugal, the money was just resting in my account"

Real life is as good as Father Ted....

"Skehan and Guinan are accused of skimming cash from weekly church collections to give generous payments to women, invest in real estate, and travel to their native Ireland and resorts."
But you could equal it presumably?

No, you cannot equal it, particularly as it's an American production !!! Father Ted cannot be equalled or improved upon.

Dougal: God, I've heard about those cults Ted. People dressing up in black and saying Our Lord's going to come back and save us all.
Ted: No, Dougal, that's us. That's Catholicism.
Dougal: Oh right.

It'll be boycotted by the church who will see it as blasphemous......just as they're complaining that the new movie "The Golden Compass" promotes atheism!

(from independent.ie)

But there is one formidable obstacle in the path of the film, which opens to the public on 5 December: the intense antipathy of the American Catholic Church, which has turned its wrath on the production for promoting what it deems a viciously sacrilegious message that boils down to nothing less than "atheism for kids".
Atheism is a faith, just like Islam, Catholicism etc are.
Given that Ted's dream was to go to the USA it seems only fitting that he's getting there eventually.

How will they remake the episode when the priest from America offers him a job over there only for Mrs Doyle and Fathers Jack and Dougal to think they're going to. Will the American Ted be offered a job in Ireland?