Father of the Bride speech

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I'm getting married next year and my poor dad is a quiet, unassuming, quite distant person, at times. Loves small groups or one to one conversations but is apprehensive about speaking on the big day (I know this from my Mum...). He would love to be able to give a lovely speech but he knows himself he just isn't "the sort". I want him to speak as I know he will regret not doing so, in years to come but will advise him to keep it short and consise. He has a wealth of knowledge re history as well as lots of other interesting areas.
I'm wondering what are the areas hw really must not ignore. Would he cover the most important if he (and on behalf of my Mum) mentions:

#Welcome groom to family.
#Thank everyone for coming and to enjoy the rest of the night
#Say something short and snappy about me :)


P.S. My Mum would not be willing to speak on his behalf in case anyone thinks she is the confident one in the relationship!
He could read from a prepared speech. I think that works well and is a whole lot better than bumbling through a speech trying to remember it from memory.
#I'd like to welcome Mr. Liza to the Liza family.
#Thanks everyone for coming (especially if yiz came 2 or 3 times) and enjoy the rest of the night
#Bye Liza. Boo Hoo [crocodile tears]
#The bar is that way, last one in pays for all the drink!
If your Dad is not comfortable with a speech it would be best not to make him say one: the wedding is next year & ur already planning the your dad's speech : Scary if ya ask me

Imagine how the poor man is feeling..

Personally I think, A male member, brother for instance could make a speech on behalf of ur family.. I was at a wedding before where this happened and it was lovely.

Brother was a confident speaker & the father of the bride got to enjoy the whole day without stressing about what he should say
#I'd like to welcome Mr. Liza to the Liza family.
#Thanks everyone for coming (especially if yiz came 2 or 3 times) and enjoy the rest of the night
#Bye Liza. Boo Hoo [crocodile tears]
#The bar is that way, last one in pays for all the drink!
:D Lol! Everyone loves a short and to the point speech!
the wedding is next year & ur already planning the your dad's speech : Scary if ya ask me

Imagine how the poor man is feeling..

"Personally I think, A male member, brother for instance could make a speech on behalf of ur family.. I was at a wedding before where this happened and it was lovely." [Quote Silver2]

Hi Silver2. I don't know if you've planned a wedding yourself?... but everything is best planned and sorted in advance. There is plenty to think about and we're soon starting to build our new house so I am, at the minute researching everything, including my Dad's speech. "Scary?" Eh, no... Strange comment...
There is no disadvantage to being organised and every disadvantage to leaving things too late. I know two people who did this and their families still talk about how stressful the run up to those particular weddings were in comparison to other siblings...

Neither of my brothers are confident speakers so that's out and I am very aware of "how the poor man feels" and hence this thread... As I said I know he is the type to regret not saying a few words and I know he will feel very proud of himself when he does. If the man was a nervous, sweating, trembleng, sweaty, wreck over the head of it, I wouldn't dream of asking him...

I like others was just giving my opinion..you obviously don't agree but it was only my opinion..I really don't think it was necessary to dissect my post.
I got married last year and we didn't have any speeches. We wanted everyone to be able to relax and enjoy the day.

Everyone seemed pleased with this decision, in particular the father of the bride!

I'm not sure anyone really enjoys the speeches and it is a lot of pressure on someone who isn't comfortable with public speaking.

A personal decision nonetheless.

I like others was just giving my opinion..you obviously don't agree but it was only my opinion..I really don't think it was necessary to dissect my post.

Thank you for your opinion but calling it scary being organised and trying to make my Dad feel comfortable, knowing in advance what he will say is not helpful.

Then "Imagine how the poor man feels"... That's why I'm on the forum... because I know how he feels. Like the vast majority of people having to speak publically, he is apprehensive, not a trembling mess...

All the speaches are going to be very short. In my area, we're a very close extended family and group of neighbours and friends and we enjoy each others speeches as we know everyone so well...

Again, thenk you for your opinion but there is a way of being nice about it... I found yours not so... Only my opinion.
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