Fas spend €600k on an advertisment that didn't see the light of day

I was going to post about this but knew someone else would anyway.

I'm exasperated, hardened and disgusted by 'revelations' like this. Not at all surprised though.

What can you say?

I would say plenty if the 'ceasefire' wasn't in place though.

It must be one big holiday camp in Fás, throwing our money around like confetti at a wedding..

Such waste , the police Fraud squad should investigate the expenditure in Fás in my opinion.

and 9K on a car that was never delivered and 620K that cannot be accounted for. This enquiry only covered the spending on marketing and advertisement budget as far as I know. A futher enquiry into other departments in FAS looks on the cards.
I think anything I would post now would would get me banned from this site.

I am off to bang my head off a wall for a few hours.
It was public service 'bashing' that was banned. Is this not still in place?
"they should resign" seems to be the line from govt. Why arent they fired!! and then investigated. What would happen in the US?

Also what galls me is, still this constant drone from union leaders on fat cats and we didnt cause this mess. Who's on the f%£king board. I'll say it yet again union leaders (socialists) on 6 figure salaries (so alled socailists) and over seeing this activity. Do members of these unions have anything to say about these people who are leading them to a fair and equitable society?
I think most public servants are also disgusted about the Fas revelations. Its not a case of one big happy family who will back either other to the end, much as the trade union movement would like to portray it as such.

There seems to be a cavilier culture in Fas - a sense of being "untouchable" and completely unaccountable to anyone. The accounting officer has a lot to answer for. Where large sums of money have gone missing, people should be sacked. You'd probably be more likely to get hauled over the coals over a sum of €100 than over €600k
The fundamental problem with the "semi-State" concept seems to lack of accountability and lack of control. These are organisations are funded by the State, yet Mary Coughlan says she will accept the Board's resignation "if offered". Who is in control here?
FAS is just another Social Partnership sinecure (a legacy of the Bertie "keep everybody happy" days) to buy off the Unions. If the Board had any moral standards they would resign...now.

+1 well said.
it shouldnt be about resignations but action form the govt. Fire them, investigate them and union members should be questioning their right wing leaders!
it shouldnt be about resignations but action form the govt. Fire them, investigate them and union members should be questioning their right wing leaders!

Fire them, then investigate? Well if you want this to be drawn out in the courts and the state left to foot an even bigger bill on the basis of losing an unfair dismissal case, go ahead.

The reason why resignations are given is to speed the process up and remove them. Unfortunately employment legislation still applies and you can't just do an Alan Sugar "You're Fired!" based on a few newspaper articles.

Inappropriate activities would have to be investigated and then it would have to be seen in what capacity that justifies termination of contract.
In other words, their golden handshake/severance package needs to be negotiated.
In other words, their golden handshake/severance package needs to be negotiated.

An issue to consider, being not so much objective but just on economics and the "grand scheme of things". We'd be asking these people to take the fall for what is a failing on a much wider base.

We can't just fire them unless we're prepared to take an even bigger hit. So we sweeten the deal with a golden handshake. It's quicker and cheaper in the end.

The public appear to have bloodlust in these circumstances, so we either take a massive hit in order to satisfy this or a smaller one.
thats why this country is in such bad shape. Its too awkward and too costly to make govt officials accountable, so they keep on doing what they do, because hey whats the worst that can happen , they might be asked to resign someday.
thats why this country is in such bad shape. Its too awkward and too costly to make govt officials accountable, so they keep on doing what they do, because hey whats the worst that can happen , they might be asked to resign someday.

And be given a golden handshake into the bargain.
The Board are not full time employees of FAS, but representatives of different groups/Govt Departments etc. How would they be getting a golden handshake for resigning from the Board?
The Board are not full time employees of FAS, but representatives of different groups/Govt Departments etc. How would they be getting a golden handshake for resigning from the Board?

Stop pouring reality and reason onto the issue when we're trying to whip up a lynch mob.