+1. We have a right to examine how our tax euros are spent.
A year long education where the participants are paid should be examined in detail.

even when its only €15 a week more than you would get on the dole.??
I accept FAs is light years from perfect but I will reiterate the fact that there are many people especially on this forum that take a morbid delight in begrudgery...they would rather FAS (being one example of many) perform pathetically so they can mither and moan to their hearts content about their wasted tax euros....I am convinced there are people who would rather see failure than sucess in all forms so they can wallow in bitter ignomany.
I for one hope she passes her exams gets a great job out of it and prospers enormously thanks to the helping hand of FAS and the tutors, even if that doesnt sit well with the begrudgers.
No FAS course that runs an excell module takes one year to complete. All FAS courses are FETAC approved and this dictates how long each module is. This year FAS shortened most of its courses to between 6-10 weeks offering FETAC minor awards, by offering shorter more focused courses FAS can offer more training opportunities to unemployed people through day/evening/blended learning . In fact FAS will offer 80,000 training places this year an increase of 3-4 times the average number of places, this will be achieved within the same budget and less staff. You wont read this in any paper