FAS chief defends executives' expenses (again!)

Now the $400 it for a group of people, Mary Harney being one (getting her hair done for an official engagement). There may well be massive waste in FAS but this is not it.
What I found most interesting about the whole debacial was learning that the board of FAS consists mainly of the heads of the various unions. It is as if they have their own little club at tax payers expense.
You're exposing your own bias here. The board does not consist 'mainly' of the heads of various unions. On the offchance that you're interested in the facts of who is on the board, see http://www.fas.ie/en/About+Us/Corporate+Structure/FAS+Management/Board+Members.htm

Peter McLoone, General Secretary, IMPACT
Des Geraghty – Former senior official in SIPTU
Sally Anne Kinahan – Assistant General Secretary, ICTU
Alice Prendergast – former President, TUI
Owen Wills – General Secretary, TEEU

Is IBEC not the employers Union?

You're exposing your own bias here again. The board does not consist 'mainly' of the heads of various unions. On the offchance that you're interested in the facts of who is on the board,


  • Peter McLoone
Representatives of Minister for Enterprise, Trade & Employment

  • Caroline Casey
  • Dermot Mulligan
Representative of Minister for Education and Science

  • Ruth Carmody
Representative of Minister for Finance

  • Tim Duggan
Representative of Minister for Social & Family Affairs

  • Brian O'Raghallaigh
Representatives from Trade Union Sector

  • Des Geraghty
  • Sally Anne Kinahan
  • Alice Prendergast
  • Owen Wills
Representatives from Employer Sector

  • Jenny Hayes
  • Brian Keogh
  • Danny McCoy
  • Niall Saul
Employee Members of FÁS

  • Margaret Mernagh
  • Frank Walsh
Youth Interests

  • James O'Leary
Can't belive that guy loe vadrick from FG is on vincent browne now calling for mary harneys resignation.

WHat rubbish !!

Surely mary harney was over there at the time representing FAs and acting as a face to the country.

Spending tax payers money on non-extravagant grooming is more than acceptable in my book in that scenario.
That's the point I was making.
its the lad who had a €700 'expense' for taking his car on the ferry to France for a month signed off by Molloy that takes the biscuit.
taking the state jet while at the same time booking flights in case the jet wasnt running is another extravagence which is inexcusable.
You're exposing your own bias here again. The board does not consist 'mainly' of the heads of various unions. On the offchance that you're interested in the facts of who is on the board,

Why did you feel the need to post the same message twice?

I kind of do agree but is the point not that she earns a basic salary of over €200,000 per annum. Can she not pay for her own wash and blowdry? I work with plenty of women who represent my company in much more important meetings than some FAS science mission and none of them have ever charged their personal grooming to the company. For me its the principle of the thing. Do these guys use their own money for anything?
Cowan is totally weakened. His initial reaction was to stand by his man. If he believed that he should have refused the resignation. The fact is Cowan has completely run out of runway and has no b*lls for doing anything which might be unpopular.

It is amazing what we as tax payers have to pay for so that they can do their offical duty for which they are already paid very well.

If I have to go onto a business trip I can't invoice my boss for wash and blowdry, there are limits to how much money I am allowed to spend on food, hotel and laundy and it's regulated what I can do and not do.

And the company I work for is larger than the irish goverment.

So why do we simply accept that these people are allowed to invoice everything they do on trips because it was "offical business".

Incredible what we let these people do with our money.
Apart from the apparent massive abuse of state monies - from my perspective we get a very poor service from an organisation that spends 1billion a year.

As a career adviser I regularly ring FAS to find out about courses on offer on my locality on behalf of students who don't fit easily into the traditional third level college groove. I am amazed by the lack of information and the difficulty and digging that must be done to get a sense of what's on offer - and invariably the range of options are very poor and in most cases not relevant to the needs of the average school leaver in the current employment market.

So when they are fininshed with the nail bills I think there are bigger questions about what is or is not happening in FAS and how relevant it is to the current pool of school leavers and unemployed people in need of retraining.

Well said Sidzer.

The apprentices 6 months waiting for phase 2, taking up to five years to do a 4 year apprenticeship.

And there’s changes been made to how the on the job phases are signed off.( A 1st year out of his time trade/craftsman could now sign off the records of an apprentice for his on the job training)

In the south east it took 9 fas officials to relay this point to employers representatives in a 1 hour briefing after lunch for everyone in a major hotel..

The total farce that is CSCS, particularly the 3 new ones delayed till 2009 due to lack of trainers!( despite there been internationally accepted equivalents available fas is insisting on re-inventing the wheel)

Its not just the top management, its the middle level and the project managers. The poor admins and clerks must be totally demoralized.

Used be a saying in construction " hes to thick to work in Fas", but it looks like they where the ones coining it in.

Also good to see Niall Saul , from McNamaras is the one on the board that has brought so much to the fore, the main builders have always lived in fear of fas and its great that they are now been brough to book. The petty power mad middle managers and project managers need to learn a lesson as well.

Fas needs to be dis- assembled , return the apprentices to the colleges, the training standards to FETAC/HETAC etc, Safety to the HSA and commercial providers, CE schemes to some body who understands there major significant role in a % of the community who are unlikely to get main stream employment and who used find fulfillment and purpose in having 18 hours on a CE scheme. I’m sure others could make better suggestions

And Molloy to get ½ a MILLION pay off for been arrogant and out of touch!!!
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And Molloy to get ½ a MILLION pay off for been arrogant and out of touch!!!

If I resigned from my job in the morning, I can't see my employer saying, "sorry to see you go, here's 2 years salary"
If FAS are just following general public service travel and expense guidelines then this has much wider implications.
This stuff is not normal. I'm astonished by some of what's been cited as expenses (pay-per-view films?! - I've no problem with people watching whatever they want, but they certainly shouldn't get to claim for it).

In any Department I've worked for, travel and hotel expenses must be vouched, and there are various subsistence rates in addition. Domestic subsistence is not vouched, but is moderate (you certainly won't get rich on it); overseas is highly variable but is linked to the cost of eating out, etc. If you're also entertaining clients / colleagues, all those costs must be fully vouched, and generally pre-approved.

I do hope that this whole mess leads to a complete overview of the whole area of expenses in the civil service and State Agencies.
I don't think a full review is actually necessary - but any state agencies which are not already operating to the standard government departments demand should immediately adopt standards no less rigorous than that. A Department of Finance circular, maybe...

Depends. Flights are just about always booked by a section in the Department which has responsibility for travel. I can't imagine you could swap without being detected - and flights must be booked as economy anyway if the journey is under 4 hours. I think Departmental policies may vary a bit over that threshold.

Regarding hotels, you usually have the option of booking your own, but it must be vouched. And you are not expected to book 5* accommodation, either.
I take your points but I was listening to the news on one station and it was pointed out that Molloy and other senior civil servants are entitled to travel first class so he actually didn't do anything wrong in that regard. Now I can understand business class for long distance flights but first class is just taking the pi**.
Its called taking the p.... and has gone on and will go on. The head honcho abuses his position, gets found out, resigns, get big compensation and does not have to appear at the PAC. Nice very nice.

And come election time FF will STILL be the biggest party or after this maybe not.

Mind you if all the jobs that are non jobs in the Public Service were removed the unemployemnt register would rocket so we are in a bad situation.

[...] but first class is just taking the pi**.
I agree.
Likewise on mileage rates - especially if going somewhere readily accessible by public transport.
Same for not shopping around for the best rate on your chosen hotel.
Same for getting taxis from Brussels airport at "normal" times of day (particular bugbear of mine, given that the trains are so reliable, fast and cheap).

Something not being technically against the rules doesn't necessarily justify it; perhaps public sector organisations should now review what's permitted, as well as improving evidential standards and procedures anywhere that's required.