Farmyard manure


Registered User
I'm hoping some gardening enthuasists can help me out here. I've a big garden, much in need of some rejuvenation and some love and attention. IMHO well rotted farmyard manure seems to be the most fantastic stuff when dug into the soil for fruit/veg/plants/flowers/shrubs etc.

My previous garden was way smaller so a few bags from woodies did the trick, but now I'd need a couple of trailer loads, to buying by the bag doesn't work out very economical.

DOes anyone know where I can get this liquid gold? I live in the city so I'm not close to any farms.

Try a few riding stables or someone with horses, they usually have a big pile of it from mucking out the stables.
Would you know how long you need to leave it until it rots down - I mean, how well rotted is well rotted???!!! I need to make sure all the bacteria etc are dead before I use it, but don't know how I'd know that.
If it's well rotted it should not smell bad, more sort of "earthy" as opposed to farmyard.