
redwood park

Registered User
Hi we are thinking of moving to Farmleigh Woods,Castleknock. We love the location and grounds. Any opinions good or bad please? Thank You.
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Nice place, must cost a few bob to run and what is its BER Rating?
Still, you should be able to get it for a good price, the Goverment are hard stuck for a few bob.
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I looked at them on behalf of someone else a few years back. Few points:
- gardens are tiny
- If you are mid terrance, you have no side entrance (bikes, bins, gardening etc)
- The houses were laid out by a man!! Shocking lack of storage, no place for a drier (they came with a washer/drier, which is not very practical for a house that size as I assume you have some kids)
- No utility room for washing mucky boots
- there is a real "keeping up with the Jones" attitude from a good few of the people I've met from there (not all but enough to annoy me!!!)
- very little parking
- fair few are empty houses as he is finding them hard to sell and a number of people bought while their "other" house was being renovated in the hope of making a profit.....those were the days!!!
- I personally don't like alot of the decor and when you are paying that much money, I reckon you should have some choice of finish

On the plus side:
- soooo close to the park
- you'll pay alot less than you would have a few years ago (price is very much negotiable.....haggle, haggle)
- Great events & farmers markets at the affore mentioned Farmleigh House
Thanks Sam h. We have been looking at apartments and houses there. Houses unfortunately are still too expensive for us. There are not many apartments for sale or rent there at moment either on Daft or Myhome which looks good. Builder has some duplex apts but we prefer to live on top floor for security and noise reasons. I was hoping to get some information or advice from existing residents. Is management co good? The grounds look well kept. We are retired and have never lived in an apartment before. Thank You